The Plight of Targeted Individuals

   This morning a librarian puppet had a computer pass put aside for me and then my emails were all wiped out of my email account when I opened it. Then they had a puppet say, "you have to be careful what you write." after it was done. I had been pulling together this little article for my Wisdom's Beacon for Freedom when they

Plight of Torture Victims
 copyright with all rights reserved, Sharon R. Poet

We have been unheard victims lost beneath lies.
We have been the fading ones put on a list to die.
We have been the rising wounded begging for aide,
While becoming specks of dust in an evil charade.

And this must change.

   There are different types of Targeted Individuals (Tis). I can only speak for those of us who are long term victims of covert harassment, criminal use of satellite surveillance, tortures inflicted with laser (or microwave) weapon systems...etc., because this is what I've experienced. (I call us “Torture Victims.”)
   Long term Torture Victims have been being hurt in ways that most of you probably cannot even imagine could be happening. So, I beg you to stretch your imagination and read with your Heart, because we need your understanding and compassion. This is just a very quick over view of our plight.

   In general, the targeting starts out so inconspicuously that we do not even realize that we are being watched and targeted. Those who target us watch us and manipulate our lives in various ways.
When we are less controllable than most people, which all of us naturally seem to be, the targeting vamps up and we can think we are just having a lot of bad luck during chains of targeting that include the instigation of "accidents" and various types of losses of loved ones.
   If we start figuring out that something is not right - if we become a threat to the secrecy of the program the targeting vamps up even more. They hold us under constant satellite surveillance and aim to isolate us from all possible sources of help. They shove us into destitution through sabotaging our relationships, homes, vehicles, businesses, bank accounts...etc. Aside from the painful technological tortures and covert harassment, the long list of things done to us includes intentional inflictions of illness, intentional inflictions of odd types of parasites, periods of being drugged and brainwashed, intentional deprivation of things we love or need or want most, intentional interference with our brain function at strategic times, intentional deprivation of Love and care, slander of our character or work, framings and it can even get as bad as intentionally orchestrated rapes and thefts and the destruction of our personal property.
   Our community members are used to harass us or spread false rumors about us...etc. Even some of our own loved ones have been used against us - either through being brainwashed into thinking that we are not really being targeted and are just "mentally ill" and should be institutionalized or through them being recruited or enslaved into the program to help harass us...etc. Our loved ones are often victims too, especially of the technological mind control part of the targeting.
   Once they have isolated us from all sources of help they actually want us to know that we are being targeted, because they have set things up so that when we tell people about various parts of the targeting we appear “crazy” to all who are not aware of what they can do. People who are brainwashed tend to instantly and blindly disbelieve us, and assume that we are mentally ill, without even checking into other possibilities. . .heaping even more pain and distress onto what we already carry.

No problem ever got solved by misdiagnosing it,
but it can get a lot worse through misdiagnosing it.

   As we struggle to get validation or help with stopping the targeting we can run into extremely infiltrated and sometimes dangerous web forums that are used to perpetuate the targeting or to abduct and enslave or get rid of victims who have become aware of the targeting. There has been a strong aim to abduct and get rid of all types of genuine Targeted Individuals who are a threat to the secrecy of the dark program. And this has been being done under the guise of it being a covert "rescue." I'm sure this deceptive "rescue" has worked on many victims because they can use genuinely good people in the foreground of this process, sometimes even our own enslaved loved ones. And they sometimes put a victim through horrible levels of physical torture and life threatening situations in order to force them into leaping and agreeing to leave their lives, "forever."

   The prevention of genuine help being here for us has even included the covert targeting of, or the sly enslavement and controlling of, or the inconspicuous murdering of receptive people whom we have turned to for help, including officials. These targetings have succeeded primarily due to a lack of awareness of them. The lives of long term Torture Victims leaves a long trail of many other sorts of victims. Complete awareness of, and prevention of the success of, ALL levels of the targeting must happen quickly. There should be complete public awareness of all aspects of the targeting so that aware Torture Victims can start getting the validation, understanding, compassion and support that they should have, so that all other types of victims can realize what has been happening to them and get the same, and so that the rest of humanity can understand and care and be free of the targeting as well.

Criminal use of all types of radio wave technologies must be stopped as quickly as possible, especially those that can inflict physical illnesses and interfere with natural brain function...etc.

Aside from the bad covert rescues, I do not know if there is a good one, but if there is it can only be a temporary fix, because the answer is NOT to rip the victim out of their own lives - it is to rip the targeting out of the victim's life and out of the lives of their loved ones and out of the lives of all who should be able to be sources of help. If only the few who become aware are helped, and all of the rest continue to suffer, it does not make sense.
   My gut feeling is that the vast majority of victims of this technological holocaust are not aware of being targeted and, on top of the technological tortures and covert harassment, they struggle with thinking that there is something wrong with them or that they are bad or that it is their “Karma” or they start blaming the wrong people...etc. The targeting forces victims to lose trust in themselves and their loved ones and their fellow human beings, which in itself is horribly destructive. It also aims to make victims feel completely unloved. This has been tearing targeted families apart.

Healthy and genuine victims have been being shoved into institutions or toward other parts of a field of psychiatry that is HEAVILY involved in the targeting and has been being used to commit holocaustal levels of crimes against humanity in multiple ways. ways.

I don't want to be left to evil pretenses of helping hands.
I need to be comforted by those who can care to understand.
I don't want to be declared insane for their hateful gain.
I need you to soothe my wounds instead of inflicting more pain.
I don't want you to watch from a silent distance while I slowly die.
I need you to stand here beside me as I pray to God and cry.

   I understand how difficult it is to believe that this is really happening to people, but it is. What is happening to us is as inhumane as inhumane can possibly get. We are suffering indescribably - we are suffering in ways that no human being should EVER have to endure. Please realize the Truth and care to help freedom to be restored to us well as the rest of humanity. There is more my Yearn for Freedom Book and the Return of Wisdom part of this book.

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